
SCPI Commands :

class RfSettingsCls[source]

RfSettings commands group definition. 16 total commands, 4 Subgroups, 5 group commands

get_eattenuation() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:EATTenuation
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_eattenuation()

Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) , to be applied to the input connector. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut.


external_att: numeric Range: -50 dB to 90 dB

get_envelope_power() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:ENPower
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_envelope_power()

Sets the expected nominal power of the measured RF signal. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ENPower.


exp_nominal_power: numeric The range of the expected nominal power can be calculated as follows: Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) + External Attenuation - User Margin The input power range is stated in the data sheet.

get_frequency() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:FREQuency
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_frequency()
Selects the center frequency of the RF analyzer.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:LOOPback

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:LOOPback?

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:TXTest?

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:HOPPing

  • method RsCmwBluetoothMeas.Configure.RfSettings.Mmode.value

  • method RsCmwBluetoothMeas.Configure.RfSettings.Mchannel.classic


analyzer_freq: numeric Range: 100 MHz to 6 GHz, Unit: Hz

get_rlevel() int[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:RLEVel
value: int = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_rlevel()

No command help available


reference_level: No help available

get_umargin() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:UMARgin
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_umargin()

Sets the margin that the R&S CMW adds to the expected nominal power to determine the reference level. The reference level minus the external input attenuation must be within the power range of the selected input connector; refer to the data sheet. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin.


user_margin: numeric Range: 0 dB to (55 dB + external attenuation - expected nominal power)

set_eattenuation(external_att: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:EATTenuation
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_eattenuation(external_att = 1.0)

Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) , to be applied to the input connector. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation:INPut.

param external_att:

numeric Range: -50 dB to 90 dB

set_envelope_power(exp_nominal_power: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:ENPower
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_envelope_power(exp_nominal_power = 1.0)

Sets the expected nominal power of the measured RF signal. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:ENPower.

param exp_nominal_power:

numeric The range of the expected nominal power can be calculated as follows: Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) + External Attenuation - User Margin The input power range is stated in the data sheet.

set_frequency(analyzer_freq: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:FREQuency
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_frequency(analyzer_freq = 1.0)
Selects the center frequency of the RF analyzer.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:LOOPback

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel:TXTest

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:LOOPback?

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency:TXTest?

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:HOPPing

  • method RsCmwBluetoothMeas.Configure.RfSettings.Mmode.value

  • method RsCmwBluetoothMeas.Configure.RfSettings.Mchannel.classic

param analyzer_freq:

numeric Range: 100 MHz to 6 GHz, Unit: Hz

set_umargin(user_margin: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:UMARgin
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_umargin(user_margin = 1.0)

Sets the margin that the R&S CMW adds to the expected nominal power to determine the reference level. The reference level minus the external input attenuation must be within the power range of the selected input connector; refer to the data sheet. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:UMARgin.

param user_margin:

numeric Range: 0 dB to (55 dB + external attenuation - expected nominal power)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.rfSettings.clone()
