
SCPI Commands :

class ScenarioCls[source]

Scenario commands group definition. 4 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 2 group commands

get_cspath() str[source]
# SCPI: ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:SCENario:CSPath
value: str = driver.route.scenario.get_cspath()

Activates the combined signal path scenario and selects a controlling application. The selected application controls the signal routing settings, analyzer settings and UE signal info settings while the combined signal path scenario is active.


master: No help available

get_value() TestScenario[source]
# SCPI: ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:SCENario
value: enums.TestScenario = driver.route.scenario.get_value()

Queries the active test scenario.


scenario: SALone | CSPath SALone: standalone (non-signaling) CSPath: combined signal path

set_cspath(master: str) None[source]
# SCPI: ROUTe:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:SCENario:CSPath
driver.route.scenario.set_cspath(master = 'abc')

Activates the combined signal path scenario and selects a controlling application. The selected application controls the signal routing settings, analyzer settings and UE signal info settings while the combined signal path scenario is active.

param master:

string String parameter selecting the controlling application, for example, ‘Bluetooth Sig1’ or ‘Bluetooth Sig2’

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.route.scenario.clone()
