
SCPI Commands :

class LowEnergyCls[source]

LowEnergy commands group definition. 3 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 3 group commands

get_le_1_m() LePatternType[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]
value: enums.LePatternType = driver.configure.inputSignal.pattern.lowEnergy.get_le_1_m()

Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data in its LE packets. Commands for LE 1M PHY (… :LE1M…) and LE 2M PHY (…:LE2M…) are available.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M


pattern_type: P44 | P11 | OTHer P11: ‘10101010’ in transmission order (LSB first) P44: ‘11110000’ in transmission order (LSB first) OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44

get_le_2_m() LePatternType[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M
value: enums.LePatternType = driver.configure.inputSignal.pattern.lowEnergy.get_le_2_m()

Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data in its LE packets. Commands for LE 1M PHY (… :LE1M…) and LE 2M PHY (…:LE2M…) are available.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M


pattern_type: P44 | P11 | OTHer P11: ‘10101010’ in transmission order (LSB first) P44: ‘11110000’ in transmission order (LSB first) OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44

get_lrange() TransmitPatternType[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge
value: enums.TransmitPatternType = driver.configure.inputSignal.pattern.lowEnergy.get_lrange()

Specifies the data pattern type for LE coded PHY, that the EUT transmits as user payload data. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge


pattern_type: ALL1 | OTHer ALL1: ‘11111111’ OTHer: any pattern except ALL1

set_le_1_m(pattern_type: LePatternType) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]
driver.configure.inputSignal.pattern.lowEnergy.set_le_1_m(pattern_type = enums.LePatternType.OTHer)

Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data in its LE packets. Commands for LE 1M PHY (… :LE1M…) and LE 2M PHY (…:LE2M…) are available.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M

param pattern_type:

P44 | P11 | OTHer P11: ‘10101010’ in transmission order (LSB first) P44: ‘11110000’ in transmission order (LSB first) OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44

set_le_2_m(pattern_type: LePatternType) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M
driver.configure.inputSignal.pattern.lowEnergy.set_le_2_m(pattern_type = enums.LePatternType.OTHer)

Specifies the data pattern type that the EUT transmits as user payload data in its LE packets. Commands for LE 1M PHY (… :LE1M…) and LE 2M PHY (…:LE2M…) are available.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy[:LE1M]

  • CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LE2M

param pattern_type:

P44 | P11 | OTHer P11: ‘10101010’ in transmission order (LSB first) P44: ‘11110000’ in transmission order (LSB first) OTHer: any pattern except P11, P44

set_lrange(pattern_type: TransmitPatternType) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:MEASurement<Instance>:ISIGnal:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge
driver.configure.inputSignal.pattern.lowEnergy.set_lrange(pattern_type = enums.TransmitPatternType.ALL1)

Specifies the data pattern type for LE coded PHY, that the EUT transmits as user payload data. For the combined signal path scenario, use CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGN<i>:CONNection:PACKets:PATTern:LENergy:LRANge

param pattern_type:

ALL1 | OTHer ALL1: ‘11111111’ OTHer: any pattern except ALL1